Monday, 2 February 2015

Venice Annual Carnival

The Carnival of Venice take place for the next ten days....well who can go for the whole 10 days in todays busy world?

But the history of the event still draws crowds from all the world today for the famous event.

It always takes place during the ten days leading up to Shrove Tuesday. Carnival, being a pre-Lent festival, means 'farewell to meat' and is celebrated throughout Italy with events, open air festivals, street music and Opera

Even though events take place over a fortnight, the real Carnival happens on the final weekend leading up to lent, when VIP masked balls take place in historic palazzi.  
Masks at the ready

find out more information here


  1. I can imagine this is really a fantastic experience to visit the carnival in Venice! Thanks a lot for sharing so many beautiful pictures here <3
    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

  2. Thank you for your kind and interesting words on my blog <3 Happy Sunday! xx Rena

    1. Hi Rena, thanks for saying that, I really do like you blog, look forward to contuined reading
