Monday, 13 April 2015

Welcome To The New British The Social Season..

Welcome to the modern British social calendar

Well according to me anyway....

The social season, or Season, 

Evokes visons of an Austen heroine and I sadly know Northanger Abbey (also set in the season) back to front.

so back to the really serious business of celebrating the season’s most important social events, debutante balls, dinner parties and large charity events.  

In the eighteenth and nineteenth century, whole Households decamped from the country to take residence at London's finest address for the season

The Season was the only thing that mattered.

Fast forward to the twenty- first century the new social calendar has evolved, it is no longer a totally British affair, it’s the international set, and today’s lightning speed travel means we can all enjoy the season wherever you are in the world,
It’s contemporary, diverse, international, more exciting, the calendar has evolved.

Today’s bright young things (although most are not that young) like to mix it up from Ascot to the East End and Glyndbourne to Glastonbury,

 and as was then as is now some private balls and, garden parties dinners

The traditional social season runs from April to August

The 'official' start of the season is the boat race between Oxford and Cambridge with Ball in the evening and ends with the glorious twelfth both events are still attended today

stay tuned tomorrow to see the list of events for 2015 



  1. I agree! : )
    In America, summertime is definitely a big social season... people who spent several months "hiberanting" inside during wintertime come out for all kinds of events like concerts, music fests, town fests, food fests (lots of festivals, ha!), BBQs, and enjoying nightlife throughout the cities. April through September is an awesome time of year here! I love that I live close to Chicago, a lot goes on around here.

    All the Cute

  2. thanks for sharing Amber, hope your summer is awesome and an american food festival sound like its right down my alley
